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Cultural Education

Preserving Indigenous Culture is a HUGE factor in everything we do.

The Confederation of Aboriginal and Métis Nde would like to see all people return to their tribal heritage and educate themselves in the traditions of their ancestors. In order to encourage this goal we have partnered with Indigenous Culture Preservation and other organizations to begin work on some rudimentary language programs for our members and we have begun compiling existing resources that are available to everyone.

Cultural Preservation: Welcome
ndendaai medicine wheel.png
Granbergs Nya Aktiebolag - Nordic Sami p

CAMB Petroglyph Preservation Project

Indigenous Language Programs

Coming Soon!

Cultural Education

Coming Soon
Cultural Preservation: Services

Apache Resources

Currently we have categorized any readily available resources pertaining to all Apache tribes or bands into one category. In the future this will be broken down into more specific groupings.

Indo European Tribal Cultures

"Indo european , the term was derived for the language family , as we have indo persian ,indo germanic and other language family roots. ... In 1786, Sir William Jones, a British judge working in India, proposed a common ancestor for Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Persian, German, and Celtic." ~

Richard Joffe

, M.A. Archaeology & Ancient Semitic Languages, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1976)

Coming Soon!

Five Civilized Tribes

Five Civilized Tribes, term that has been used officially and unofficially since at least 1866 to designate the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Indians in Oklahoma (former Indian Territory). ~Britannica

Coming Soon!

Caribbean Peoples

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Aboriginal Australians

"Aboriginal Australians could be the oldest population of humans living outside of Africa, where one theory says they migrated from in boats 70,000 years ago." ~Erin Blakemore

More Coming Soon!

We have more articles and resources compiled it is just a long process to get everything conveniently linked in one place. Thanks for your patience.

Coming Soon!
Cultural Preservation: List
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